NAPG's Professional Services

NAPG's Professional Services

In addition to credentialing, NAPG also offers other professional services.

NAPG has undertaken research over the past five years to measure Gerontology competencies. NAPG has developed constructed response (essay) questions tested for inter-rater reliability that measure higher order competencies (such as analyzing, evaluating and creating) in addition to multiple choice questions measuring basic skills such as remembering, understanding and applying Gerontological knowledge.

NAPG provides these exams, along with scoring and analysis, to Gerontology programs requiring an exit exam for graduating students or independent testing of student outcomes for program evaluations.

NAPG provides consulting services to academic programs interested in developing, expanding or revising their Gerontological course offerings.

NAPG provides consulting services to public and private sector organizations interested in identifying gerontological skills and expertise that could benefit the organization.